Kantar is the parent Company and owner of Consoclicker.com
We guarantee full confidentiality of personal data conveyed through our ConsoClicker.com website. We would appreciate if you could carefully read the regulations which are applied by our company.
1. Kantar’s promise of confidentiality
When you participate, your confidentiality is assured:
2. Kantar’s membership
In France, Kantar is a member of SYNTEC (chambre syndicale des Sociétés d’Etudes et de Conseils) study and consultancy employers’ federation. Syntec’s members have committed themselves to respect the professional code of ethics of this association along with the law of the 6th of January 1978 “data protection Act”. This act guarantees the right to access their services and to adjust the data regarding the people involved in the research. For any inquiry, please contact::
Kantar Worldpanel
Sophie Chesnel
2, rue Francis Pedron
78241 Chambourcy Cedex
3. How the information is being processed?
When you become a member of our panel, we collect the following data in order to be able to indentify you: Your full name, postal and email addresses as well as your phone number. The security system on this internet site provides protection in case of loss, misused and modification of information in our possession.
The names, postal and email addresses as well as the phone number of the members of the panel are secured with a database retrievable only by a restricted number of Kantar’s employees.
On a regular basis, Kantar requests socio-demographic data related to its members (such as for instance: their age, sex denomination, the makeup of the household, occupation etc), as well as information related to their computing equipment, their internet access capacity or information about their way of life (for instance, the type of car owned).
Kantar consolidates the panellists’ individual answers with others and provides overall results. Individual answers are never published or made public.
4. Updating your details
Kantar relies on the members of the panel to regularly update their details. The panellists are able to update their email address, password, postal address, phone numbers as well as the name of the person who has initially joined the panel, by going on our website under the heading “modification of personal data” (only accessible to the members). For any other modifications such as the name of the user, the panellists have to send us an email under the heading “contact us”.
5. Cancellation of Participation Policy
Kantar’s members are free to decide not to be part of ConsoClicker. As we respect your right to decline any participation, we will not try to engage further contacts with you.
The panellists can email ConsoClicker.com at any time if they wish to terminate their membership.
As soon as the request to terminate the membership has been received, Kantar may ask you to fill in a short questionnaire related to the reasons of your termination. The answer is optional but allows us to improve the management of our panels. Kantar is committed not to seek any further information from you regarding this panel.
6. Notification of changes
If we were to use your details in a different way than those mentioned in our confidentiality agreement at the time of you joining, we would contact you via email.
You will be free to accept or refuse these changes; Instructions will be provided via email to allow you to advise your choice; if the changes are not directly related to you, we will publish a clear warning on our website informing our members about the changes on the modified page.
7.Use of Cookies and regulation regarding the respect of private life
The respect of our panellists’ private life is paramount.
Your personal information is never used, published or given to third party organization. Please find below the various types of data that we receive and collect in complete safety.
Track file: As with every website, we collect and use your data for statistic purposes. These types of data include the panellist number, the web browser used (Internet Explorer, Firefox etc), the time of the search or the pages visited on our ConsoCliker.com site.
Cookies: We use cookies to store data such as your personal search preferences on our website. This can be illustrated by the display of some information during your first visit or by the possibility to stay connected each time you browse our website.
These cookies are stored on KWPTG.Kantarworldpanel.fr
8. Cookies deactivation or deletion on Consoclicker.com website
You retain the possibility to deactivate the cookies by using your browser par metering. In this case, this modification could prevent you to access our Consoclicker.com website or forums services which are subject to authentification.
You can also delete the cookies on Consoclicker.com website by clicking HERE.